The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 114 - BECAUSE IT'S FUN

"I WILL send you the rest of the details later," Miria said after they exchanged Terminal number.

"Thank you for this opportunity, Miss Lane," Astrid said.

"Both of us could benefit from this, so, it\'s nothing," Miria said.  "And just call me \'Miria\'.  It feels weird being called so formally when we\'re not so far apart in age."

Astrid smiled.  "Only if you call me \'Astrid\'."

Unknowingly, Miria found herself also smiling.  "Astrid, then."

"Yes, Miria."

"Great!  Now, let\'s toast to this new venture of yours," Sienna said, calling a passing waiter holding a tray of light cocktail drinks.  She took three glasses and put the two in front of Astrid and Miria.  She then raised her own glass.  "To the success of our movie and your music video!"

Astrid and Miria also raised their glasses for a toast.

They stayed there and chatted with Miria for about 15 minutes of so before they decided to go back to their original table.  Sienna invited Miria to go with them but the other refused.  Saying that there was no need since she was planning to retire for the night. 

"I\'m relieved that you and Miria are getting along," Sienna said while they were walking.  "I actually thought she dislike you at first.  But seeing just how she offered you to be part of her music video, I guess I just imagined the whole thing."

Astrid was a bit surprised.  He didn\'t expect that Sienna actually noticed that.  Well, it just showed just how bad Miria was in faking her emotions. 

After that small talk just now, he could see that the girl was not all that bad.  She was just a bit awkward.  He was glad that he didn\'t judge her so quickly.  If he did, he probably wouldn\'t be offered to be part of that music video.  But most of all, whatever misunderstanding she might have about him wouldn\'t be cleared.

Whatever bad impression she might have had of him had probably vanished after that small talk.  And he was glad for that.  After all, it\'s always better to have less people disliking you. 

"I\'m glad I was wrong.  I\'m happy that the two of you are getting along," Sienna added.  "But really, who could ever dislike you when you\'re this sweet and lovely."

Astrid chuckled.  "Sister Sienna, you\'re going to make me inflated with all your compliments." 

"Why, I\'m only telling the truth," Sienna said, acting like she was affronted by what he said.

The two looked at each other and then laughed.

They were near their table when they saw a pretty amusing thing. 

Lauren was jumping around Reas, trying to reach a glass of wine.  His face was all red and his cheeks bulging, as if he was pouting or something.  Then Reas drank the wine and Lauren looked as if he was on the verge of punching someone.  But instead, he turned around and took two glasses of wine.  Then he quickly drank the contents of both glasses.  And then he sticked out his tongue at Reas\' direction, probably to taunt him or something.

Astrid raised one of his brows and looked at the two with interest.  He then turned his attention to his brother.  Reas was staring at Lauren, his teal-gray eyes were filled with amusement.  There was even a small smile on his lips.  Now this was a surprised.  He wondered just what happened between them leaving and now for his brother to have this kind of expression.

"Oh my, it seems that Lauren is quite drunk," Sienna said beside him.  "He could be quite silly sometimes when he does."

They walked towards the two. 

"Lauren, dear, are you alright?" Sienna asked while taking away the glasses of wine the other was holding.

"I\'m quite alright," Lauren answered.  He was not slurring his words, appearing as if he was quite on hold of his faculties.  But his reddish face and watery eyes betrayed that.  "My only problem here is that bully there!" he added, pointing a finger at Reas.

Reas only scoffed at that.

"My apologies, Lauren, if my brother annoyed you in some way," Astrid said. 

Lauren suddenly reached out and held Astrid\'s hand.  "No, no, Astrid should not apologize.  It\'s not your fault, after all, that you have such an annoying brother."

Reas easily separated the hands of the two.  Then he stood between them, looking down condescendingly at Lauren.  "Between us two, I think we all know who is the more annoying one."

"Of course, it\'s you!  Don\'t you know how many people in this Empire love me?  You couldn\'t even count with your fingers!" Lauren said very proudly, he even raised his chin and pushed out his chest. 

For some reason, that statement annoyed Reas.  He decided to just ignore the other.  He turned to his brother.  "Shall we change table?  There\'s an annoying mosquito buzzing around.  I\'m on the verge of wanting to flick it away."

Lauren pushed Reas\' chest with his finger.  "You dare compare me with a mosquito?"

Reas smirked.  "You\'re the one who said that, not me."

"You- you--!"

Before Lauren could explode in anger, Sienna hugged his shoulder.  "Okay, I think you need to clear your head a bit.  Why don\'t you walk with me?"

Lauren didn\'t have time to refuse because Sienna had already pulled him away.  She smiled at the two brothers before walking away with Lauren.  If they didn\'t, with the bickering of the two, they would sooner or later gather the attention of everyone in this party.

Astrid pinched Reas\' side when Sienna and Lauren left.

"Hey," Reas complained.

"What are you doing, teasing a drunk person like that?" 

"Because it\'s fun?"

Astrid rolled his eyes.  "Really, Reas?"

"What?  He reacts to almost everything," Reas said shrugging.

Astrid shook his head.  He almost couldn\'t believe that he was hearing this from his brother.  A certain thought flashed in his mind.

He smiled teasingly at Reas.  "You must have really taken a liking to him."

Reas stopped and then he frowned quite forcefully.  As if he just drank something unpalatable.  "What gave you that idea?"

"Aren\'t you?  I think you wouldn\'t be teasing him like that if you don\'t."

"You must be blind, Aster," Reas said, shaking his head.  As if his brother just said the most unamusing joke.  "Anyway, are we leaving tomorrow?"

Astrid stared at Reas\' face and smiled, allowing the other to change the subject.  "Yes, we are." 

Hearing that answer, Reas felt a bit disappointed for no reason.  But he quickly shook that off.  Because what\'s there to be disappointed?

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